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Facilities Planning Overview

grey schoolhouse with red compass

The FAC will conduct a technical review and analysis of facilities planning and deliver a long-term capital planning direction for CSD administrators and Board of Directors.

Charge for Facilities Advisory Committee

Clarkston School District is dedicated to providing exceptional facilities that foster an optimal learning environment for all students. We are committed to responsible stewardship, sound fiscal management, and the preservation of our historical heritage while continuously enhancing and maintaining our infrastructure.

In 2024, the Board of Directors assembled a Facilities Advisory Committee to aid in crafting a comprehensive long-term Facilities Improvement Plan. This committee, led by Clarkston School District Superintendent, Thaynan Knowlton, and Board of Directors, Chris Bunce and Dan Randles, plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of our district's facilities.

The Facilities Advisory Committee recognizes the importance of sensibly allocating resources to maximize benefits for our students while ensuring accountability to taxpayers. Through collaborative efforts, we strive to uphold rigorous academic standards while managing costs effectively.

Throughout the planning process, we will prioritize engagement with stakeholders to align our efforts with the district's mission. Together, we are dedicated to creating learning spaces that inspire excellence and support the success of every student.

Sample Grant Funding Letter to Legislators for Clarkston, WA School District

I'm writing to you today as a member of the Clarkston School District's Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC).  We have applied for a twelve  million dollar grant made available by OSPI's small district grant program.  Read more...

Facilities Advisory Committee Presentation to the Board of Directors on February 10, 2025

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