Please help spread the word. Starting today, our summer meal service is changing from the Grantham Elementary site to Arnold Park. Meals will continue to be served at Clarkston High School as originally scheduled.
over 2 years ago, Keri Myklebust
Summer Meals Site Change from Grantham to Arnold Park
Look at what our crew did this week. Newly painted section of CHS. This is behind the bleachers facing south. Thank you maintenance guys! More projects are in the works.
over 2 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
new paint
new paint 2
We held the last professional development day of the year for staff. We talked about the upcoming high school bond for Clarkston, got to tour Lewiston High School, and prepared for the science adoption this fall. We hope you all have a great summer. Thank you Clarkston!
over 2 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
bus ride
weight room
Go Parkway! Last assembly of the year. Thank you everyone!
over 2 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
Parkway assembly
Last assembly at Grantham. Awesome!
over 2 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
Highland graduation. Thank you educators and parents!
over 2 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
assembly 2
Last Heights assembly!
over 2 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
Thank you to our schools and seniors for an awesome year. Clarkston is a remarkable place and I count it as a tremendous blessing to be here.
over 2 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
grad walk
Our hearts are broken for the families and community of Uvalde, Texas. Our community and country are also experiencing sadness and fear as we learn more about the senseless violence. We have wonderful counselors, social workers, and other caring adults that are here for the support of our students and staff.
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
Flag at half mast
The Arcora Foundation – SmileMobile dental clinic (3 operatories) is here and located at Grantham Elementary School. The dentist – Dr. Jennifer Domagalski and team will see babies (first tooth), children and youth (up to age 21), pregnant/postpartum women, and adult family members with Apple Health and uninsured. They will offer a dental exam., fluoride varnish, and oral hygiene instructions. Depending on the patient need we may offer one or more of the following: x-rays, sealants, simple extraction, Silver Diamine Fluoride (stops the growth of tooth decay), palliative, and other services. We will write referrals for students and family members that have comprehensive dental needs. In 2021, only 30% of children 20 years and younger in Asotin County with Apple Health went to the dentist. They have openings beginning tomorrow (Wednesday, May 25) and plan to be here through Friday. Families are welcome to stop by and/or call Karri Amundson directly to schedule at 206.276.1620.
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
Smilemobile - Mobile Dental Clinic call  888-286-9105 to make an appointment
Our very talented Grantham Marimba Band performing at Baskin Robbins. These students have put in a lot of time and hard work and it shows. Great job!
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
Grantham Marimba Band performing at Baskin Robbins
We just finished a second successful day and evening of bond meetings. Educators and community leaders continue to collaborate and discuss classroom design, educational programs, and clear messaging. The goal of the committee is to build a new, flexible, and enduring high school on the current CHS downtown block.
almost 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
small group three
small group two
small group four
small group one
A big thank you to our maintenance crew for helping refine the Clarkston High School design for the upcoming bond. With their input and engaging discussion the new school will be better than ever.
almost 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
CHS meeting
Happy National SLP Day! Thank you for all you do for our students❤️
almost 3 years ago, Rebecca Lockhart
National SLP day
Happy Nurses Week! Thank you for all you do for our students.
almost 3 years ago, Rebecca Lockhart
heart for nurses
Transitional Kindergarten & Kindergarten Round-Up this week. Monday - Heights Elementary Tuesday - Parkway Elementary Wednesday - Highland Elementary Thursday - Grantham Elementary If you have questions, please call: 1-509-758-2531
almost 3 years ago, Rebecca Lockhart
student testing
another student being screened
staff working with student
kindergarten children
Last weekend to see, Legally Blonde, the musical!
almost 3 years ago, Rebecca Lockhart
musical poster
The SmileMobile is Coming to Clarkston!
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
SmileMobile is Coming to Clarkston May 23-27, 2022. Call 1.888.286.9105 to schedule an appointment.
Remember to check out our PURPOSITY App for the Clarkston School District. It can change a life! Purposity is a non-profit app that connects the critical physical needs of people vetted through established local non-profits and school systems with users who want to help through just a few clicks.
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
Download Purposity App
Early Release - 4/22/2022
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
Early Release April 22