Our PE teachers and students are fantastic. Here is a class of kindergartners learning how to speed stack
almost 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
more stacking
Clarkston students are on their way to western nationals in Utah & supporting their archery community
almost 3 years ago, Rebecca Lockhart
archery students
Zane, a student from Parkway Elementary led the Pledge of Allegiance at the April 11th School Board Meeting. Zane has just come back to school overcoming a medical issue.
almost 3 years ago, Rebecca Lockhart
Projects at Grantham, Parkway, and the high school continue over spring break.
almost 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
parkway sidewalk
More Parkway
CHS art room
Creating Magic in the LC Valley! Start looking around to see who is wearing their shirts?
almost 3 years ago, Rebecca Lockhart
Creating Clarkston Magic - tshirt
Creating Clarkston Magic front of shirt
Clarkston School District Native American Family Night -- We would like to invite CSD students and families of Native American/Alaskan Native Heritage to join us for a dinner and discussion on April 13, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Clarkston High School Library.
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
CSD Native American Family Night Flyer - April 13, 6PM CHS Library
Great LMS concert last night! Thank you Mallory Cornia.
almost 3 years ago, Rebecca Lockhart
LMS band students
LMS band concert
Today we welcomed back one of our students at Parkway. Zane has been gone for sometime now undergoing cancer treatments. This morning all of the Parkway students and educators lined the hallways and cheered him on as he came back to us!
almost 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Online Registration Opens April 6, 2022
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
TK and Kindergarten Online Registration Opens April 6, 2022
Two of Mrs. Huff‘s students work on their animal presentation for their class. These fourth grade young ladies shared with me many excellent details about wolves and horses. Each slide had a different picture and several facts about their animal, including habitat, food, and characteristics. Brilliant and wonderful.
almost 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
Huff’s Students
K-8 Proposed Science Curriculum -- There will be an opportunity to preview the new K-8 proposed science curriculum for the district on Wednesday, April 6, at 6:00 PM. This will take place at the Educator Support Center board room at 1294 Chestnut St.
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
March 14-18, 2022, is Education Support Professionals Week, a tradition started in 1975 by Public School Employees to recognize the contributions of Education Support Professionals in the public school system. Our education support professionals work to maintain school buildings and grounds, provide administrative support, prepare and serve meals, provide safe transportation, keep school facilities clean and safe, assist in the classrooms, provide information technology and media services, and more. The work done by support staff is critical to the educational system and the success of educating students. We encourage you to take a moment to thank our district support staff for their outstanding work in education.
almost 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
Thank You to Education Support Professionals
During my visit to Grantham I saw students having breakfast, singing, and getting ready to swim. Thank you parents for truly wonderful children. and thank you educators who do their best each day. We think Clarkston students and schools are the best!
almost 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
Yesterday was Read Across America Day in the Clarkston School District. We appreciate all our educators who connected schools to read to students in many classrooms. I was able to read to four groups of students at Highland. Our students were attentive and respectful. Thank you families for awesome students to love to read!
almost 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
Reading to Students
Picking a book
A big thank you goes out to all the community members, educators, hospital staff, WWCC leaders, business owners, and students who supported the effort to bring a world class leader to our community the week. Also, thank you Lee Cockerell! You are always welcome back to our magical LC Valley. We estimate that over 800 people were involved (either in-person or virtually through Zoom) in the three day leadership conference. One highlight was after the student meeting when students crowded the stage after the presentation to visit individually with Mr. Cockerell. He shook everyone's hand, asked each person some questions about their aspirations, and then sent them on their way with a smile and a kind but firm, "you can do it!" Favorite Lee Cockerell quote: "Remember, be a leader like a mother; administer empathy and discipline with clear expectations." Thank you Clarkston!
about 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
Lee, Kristen, and TK
Lee at Hospital
The Clarkston School District is hosting a review for online curriculums that will be recommended to our board for use in our Clarkston Home Alliance and alternative learning programs. This review will be held on Tuesday, March 8 at 6:00 pm in the Educator Support Center Board Room located at 1294 Chestnut St. It is open to anyone interested in reviewing the digital curriculum and giving feedback. This is not a core curriculum that will be used in traditional school classes.
about 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
February 24, 2022 -- All schools will open on time today and buses will be running snow routes.
about 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
It’s finally here! After many months of waiting, the Anatomage table for our high school science classes is here. Thanks again for our community passing the capital projects Levy in 2019. The Anatomage Table is the most technologically advanced 3D anatomy visualization and virtual dissection tool for anatomy and physiology education and is being adopted by many of the world’s leading medical schools and institutions. It has been featured in the TEDTalks Conference, PBS, Fuji TV, and numerous other journals for its innovative approach to digital anatomy presentation.
about 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
anatomage too
Snow Day Make-Up -- Last night, the Clarkston School District Board of Directors adopted the attached 2021-2022 amended district calendar showing April 22 as an early release day to make up the January 6 snow day.
about 3 years ago, Keri Myklebust
Amended 2021-2022 District Calendar
Dear Clarkston Community, On behalf of all of the educators and board members of the Clarkston School District, we want to say thank you for supporting our schools on February 8, 2022 with the passage of the levy! We are committed to doing our best to serve you and our students. Clarkston is the best! --Thaynan Knowlton, Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Thaynan Knowlton
Thank you!